Action - class objectivehtml.struts.Action.
This class holds the action directives for an action event.
Action() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.Action
ActionMap - class objectivehtml.struts.ActionMap.
This class holds a map of all the action directives objects.
ActionMap() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.ActionMap
addAction(Action) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ActionMap
Adds a new ohtml-action directives to this map.
addConnection(Connection) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connections
Adds a new connection directive object.
addControlName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Adds a new control name to the form.
addCreateForm(CreateForm) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForms
Adds a new create-form directive object.
addFormConfig(FormConfig) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfigMap
Adds a new ohtml-form configuration to this map.
addHtmlWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Adds a child widget to the internal list of this container.
addInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethods
Adds a new invoke-method directive object.
addOption(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Adds a (value, option) pair to the list box.
addParam(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(byte) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(char) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(double) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(float) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(long) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(Object) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addParam(short) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Adds a parameter to the signal.
addRadioButton(HtmlRadioButton) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Adds a new HtmlRadioButton object to the form.
addRadioButton(HtmlRadioButton) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Adds a new HtmlRadioButton to the group.
addRequestObj() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams
Adds a new request-obj type parameter.
addRequestObj(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams
Adds a new request-obj type parameter.
addRequestParam(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams
Adds a new request-param type parameter.
addSessionParam(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams
Adds a new session-param type parameter.
addUpdateOrder(UpdateOrder) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrders
Adds a new form-field directive object.
afterUpdateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
This signal is emitted just after the updateData(HttpServletRequest) method updates all the form object with the submitted data.
appendChild(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Adds a child widget to this container.
appendChild(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Overrides the access level to make this method public.
appendChild(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Overrides the access level to make this method public.
appendTableCell() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Adds a new table cell to this table row.
appendTableRow(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Adds a new row to this table.


beforeUpdateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
This signal is emitted just before the updateData(HttpServletRequest) method updates all the form object with the submitted data.
BUTTON - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
This constant represents the "button" button-type


changeParent(HtmlContainerWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Changes the parent of this object to be objNewParent.
changeParent(HtmlContainerWidget, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Changes the parent of this object to be objNewParent.
clearClickedProxy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Clears the proxy object and proxy value if they exist.
clearOptions() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Clears all the options of the list box.
clearSelections() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Clears all the selections of this list box.
clicked() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
This signal is emitted when the button is clicked.
compareClasses(Class, Class) - Static method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
This method compares two classes.
CompilerOption - class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption.
This class represents a compiler option given on the command line.
CompilerOption(String, int, int, String[]) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Constructs a new instance of CompilerOption with the specified data.
COND_ALWAYS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
This condition means this form is always created
COND_NOTEXISTS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
This condition means this form is created when it does not exist
configureObjectiveHtml() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Parses the configuration file(s) for the OHtml-Struts framework and sets all the directives in the appropriate member variables.
connect(SlotId, SignalId) - Static method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
This is used to connect a slot to a signal.
Connection - class objectivehtml.struts.Connection.
This class holds the connection directives for a slot and signal connection.
Connection() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Connections - class objectivehtml.struts.Connections.
This class holds a list of connection directives.
Connections() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.Connections
connectObjects(HtmlForm, Connections, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
This connects the slots and signals specified from the directives.
convertFromString(Class, String) - Static method in class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils
This method converts a String object into an wrapper object of the specified primitive class.
convertFromStrings(Class, String[]) - Static method in class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils
This method converts an array of String objects into an array of objects of the specified primitive class.
CreateForm - class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm.
This class holds a list of directives for a create-form configuration.
CreateForm() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
CreateForms - class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForms.
This class holds a list of create-form directives.
CreateForms() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForms


dataSubmitted(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
This signal is emitted when data is submitted by the user.
dataSubmitted(String[]) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
This signal is emitted when data is submitted by the user.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The default output character encoding
destroy() - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Destroy all content for this form file.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Removes this object from the form.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Deletes itself and calls destroy() and all children widgets.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Deletes itself and frees the control name be used again.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Overrides the access level to make this method public.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Overrides the default implementation to make this method public.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Deletes itself and removes itself from the radio button group.
destroy() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Destroy all content for this form file.
disconnect(SlotId, SignalId) - Static method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
This is used to disconnect a slot to a signal.


elementToString(Element) - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Returns a String representation of the given Element.
emit(Signal) - Static method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Emits the signal to all the connected slots.
equals(Object) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
This method compares whether two slot ids are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Compares whether two signal ids are equal.
ErrorHandler - interface objectivehtml.oms.ErrorHandler.
This interface should be implemented by objects that wish to handle errors thrown by slot methods.
EventResult - class objectivehtml.common.EventResult.
This class holds the result information of an event.
EventResult() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
exists() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Indicates whether the option exists.


FormConfig - class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig.
This class holds a list of directives for a form configuration.
FormConfig() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
FormConfigMap - class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfigMap.
This class holds a map of form configuration objects.
FormConfigMap() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfigMap


genEndTag(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Generates the end tag.
generateTabs(int) - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
Generates tabbing space.
generateUpdateOrder(TreeMap) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Generates the update order for this form.
genStartTag(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Generates the start tag with all the attribute values that have been set for this object.
genStartTag(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Generates the start tag with all the attribute values that have been set for this object.
genStartTag(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Generates the start tag with all the attribute values that have been set for this object.
genStartTag(int, String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Generates the start tag with all the attribute values that have been set for this object.
GET - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
This constant represents the "get" submission method.
getAction() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Returns the action of this object.
getAction(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ActionMap
Gets a ohtml-action directives based on the path specified.
getActionMap() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Gets the map of ohtml-action directives.
getAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns the alignment style of this object.
getAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlParagraph
Returns the alignment of this paragraph.
getAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the alignment style of this object.
getAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlDiv
Returns the alignment style of this object.
getAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Returns the alignment style of this object.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Gets the an attribute for this result.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Returns the value of the specified attribute, the name is case-insensitive.
getAttributes() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Returns all the attributes of this element in a HashMap object.
getBgColor() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns the background color of this object.
getBgColor() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the background color of this object.
getBgColor() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Returns the background color of this object.
getBooleanAttribute(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Returns the value of the specified boolean-attribute, the name is case-insensitive.
getBorder() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the border of this object.
getButtonType() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Returns the button-type of this push button.
getCaptionText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Returns the caption text.
getCaptionText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the caption text for this table object.
getCellPadding() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the cell padding of this object.
getCellSpacing() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the cell spacing of this object.
getChildrenCount() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Returns the number of first-level children widgets in this container widget.
getChildrenWidgets() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Returns a shallow copy of the list of children widgets in this container.
getChildWidget(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
This will return the child widget at the specified index.
getClassAttribute() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the style-sheet class of this object.
getClassName(HtmlWidget) - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
Gets the class name of the HtmlWidget.
getCols() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Returns the number of columns for the text area.
getColSpan() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns column span of this table cell.
getColumns() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the number of table columns.
getCondition() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Gets the condition that the form is to be created.
getConnections() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connections
Returns a collection of the Connection objects.
getConnections() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Gets the connections for this form configuration.
getConnections() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Gets the connections for this create-form process.
getContentType() - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Get the content type for this file.
getContentType() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Get the content type for this file.
getCreateForms() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForms
Returns a collection of the CreateForm objects.
getCreateForms() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Gets the list of create-form directives.
getDefaultForward() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Gets the default-forward for this action
getEntities() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Gets the set of characters to be entitized
getErrorHandler() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Gets the error handler for this slot.
getErrorHandler() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the ErrorHandler.
getFileName() - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Get the file name of this file.
getFileName() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Get the file name of this file.
getFileSize() - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Get the size of this file
getFileSize() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Get the size of this file
getFormConfig(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfigMap
Gets a ohtml-form configuration based on the name specified.
getFormConfigMap() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Gets the map of ohtml-form directives.
getFormFile() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Get a reference to the struts FormFile object.
getGroupName() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Returns the group name.
getHeight() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns the height of this object.
getHtmlForm() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns a reference to the HtmlForm object that contains this object.
getHtmlListBox() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Returns a reference to the HtmlListBox object that this option is contained within.
getHtmlTable() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns a reference to the table that this table cell is contained in.
getHtmlTable() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Returns a reference to the table this table caption object is contained in.
getHtmlTableCaption() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns a reference to the html table caption object.
getID() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the ID of this object.
getInputStream() - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Get an InputStream that represents this file.
getInputStream() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Get an InputStream that represents this file.
getInvokeMethods() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethods
Returns a collection of the InvokeMethod objects.
getInvokeMethods() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Gets the list of invoke-method directives.
getMaxLength() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Returns the maximum length of the text box.
getMethod() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Returns the method of this object.
getMethod() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Gets the Method object for this slot id.
getMethod() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Gets the Method object for this signal id.
getMethodParams() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Gets the MethodParams object.
getMethodParams() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams
Returns a collection of the MethodParam objects.
getMethodSignature() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Gets the MethodSignature of the method to be called.
getName() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the control name of for this control widget.
getName() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Returns the method of this object.
getName() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Gets the name for this form configuration.
getName() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Gets the name of the form we are to create.
getName() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder
Gets the name of the form field.
getNumberOfOptions() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the number of options for this list box.
getObjectRef() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
Gets a new unique object name for a temporary variable.
getOnBlur() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the onblur event of this object.
getOnChange() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the onchange event of this object.
getOnClick() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onclick event of this object.
getOnDblClick() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the ondblclick event of this object.
getOnFocus() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the onfocus event of this object.
getOnKeyDown() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onkeydown event of this object.
getOnKeyPress() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onkeypress event of this object.
getOnKeyUp() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onkeyup event of this object.
getOnMouseDown() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onmousedown event of this object.
getOnMouseMove() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onmousemove event of this object.
getOnMouseOut() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onmouseout event of this object.
getOnMouseOver() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onmouseover event of this object.
getOnMouseUp() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the onmouseup event of this object.
getOnSelect() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the onselect event of this object.
getOptionArg() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Returns the first option argument
getOptionArgs() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Returns all the arguments associated with this option.
getOptionItem(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the HtmlOptionItem object representing the option at the specified index nIndex.
getOptionItemIndex(HtmlOptionItem) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the index of the given HtmlOptionItem object.
getOptionName() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Returns the option name.
getOptionText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Returns the option text of this option item.
getOptionType() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Returns the option type.
getOrder() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder
Gets the update-order of the form field.
getParameterList() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.Signal
Returns the parameter list
getParams() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Returns an array of all the parameters
getParams(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Returns an array the first nCount parameters
getParent() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns a reference to the parent of this object.
getPath() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Gets the URL path mapping for this action
getQuoteType() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Returns the quote type.
getRadioButtonGroup() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Returns a reference to the radio button group managing this radio button.
getRadioButtonGroup(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Returns a reference to the radio button group with the specified name.
getRadioButtons() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Returns a shallow copy of the list of radio buttons that belong in this group.
getRadioButtonsCount() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Returns the number of radio buttons in the group.
getResult() - Method in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Gets the result.
getResult() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Gets the name of the request object where the result data is to be stored.
getRows() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the number of table rows.
getRows() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Returns the number of rows for the text area.
getRowSpan() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns row span of this table cell.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the index of the first selected item or -1 if no item is selected.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns an array of the indicies of the currently selected options
getSelectedValue() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the value of the first selected item or null if no item is selected.
getSelectedValues() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns an array of the values of the currently selected options
getSessionRef() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Gets the session name that the object to be invoked is bound with.
getSessionRef() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Gets the session name that this created form is to be (or has been) bound with.
getSignal() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the Signal method signature.
getSignalId() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.Signal
Gets the signal id for this signal.
getSignaller() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Gets the signal object for this signal id.
getSignalObj() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the Signal object name.
getSignalSessionRef() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the Signal session reference name.
getSize() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns the size of this list box.
getSize() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Returns the size of the text box.
getSlot() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the slot method signature.
getSlotObj() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the slot object name.
getSlotSessionRef() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Gets the slot session reference name.
getSlotter() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Gets the slot object for this slot id.
getStyle() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the style of this object.
getSubmittedData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Retrieves the client submitted data associated with this widget.
getSubmittedDataSet(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Retrieves the client submitted data-set associated with this widget.
getTabIndex() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the tab index of this object.
getTableCell(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Returns the HtmlTableCell object for the specified table cell.
getTableCell(int, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the HtmlTableCell object for the specified table cell.
getTableRow(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the HtmlTableRow object for the specified table row.
getTagName() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTag
Returns the tag name of this object.
getText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Returns the text of this container.
getText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Alias for getValue().
getText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Returns the text for this object.
getText() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Returns the text of this object.
getType() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Returns the type of this object.
getType() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
Gets the type of the parameter.
getType() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Gets the type for this form configuration.
getUnicodes() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
Gets the set of unicode characters that need to be escaped.
getUpdateForm() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Gets the session name of the form to be updated
getUpdateOrder() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns the update order of this control widget
getUpdateOrders() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrders
Returns a collection of the UpdateOrder objects.
getUpdateOrders() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Gets the update-order for this form configuration.
getUploadedFile() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
Returns the file associated with this object.
getVAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns the vertical alignment style of this object.
getVAlign() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Returns the vertical alignment style of this object.
getValue() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Returns the value of this object.
getValue() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Returns the value of this option item.
getValue() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
Gets the value of the parameter.
getWidth() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns the width of this object.
getWidth() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns the width of this object.


handleError(SlotId, Signal, Throwable) - Method in interface objectivehtml.oms.ErrorHandler
This method is called by OMS when a slot method throws an exception and this object has been set as the error handler for that slot.
handleProxyEvent(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
This method is used to determine whether the "clicked()" signal should be emitted when the "dataSubmitted(String)" signal is emitted from the proxy object.
hashCode() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Generates a hash code for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Generates a hash code for this object.
HTML - Static variable in class objectivehtml.common.OutputType
This constant represents standard Html.
HtmlCheckBox - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox.
This class represents a html check box.
HtmlCheckBox(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
Constructs a new instance of HtmlCheckBox with the specified parent and control name.
HtmlContainerWidget - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget.
This is the base class of all container widgets.
HtmlContainerWidget() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Constructs an instance of the HtmlContainerWidget object with no parent.
HtmlContainerWidget(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Constructs an instance of HtmlContainerWidget object with objParent as its parent.
HtmlControlWidget - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget.
This is the base class of all control widgets.
HtmlControlWidget(HtmlContainerWidget, String, boolean) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Constructs an instance of the HtmlControlWidget object with the specified control name.
HtmlDiv - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlDiv.
This class represents a html div element.
HtmlDiv(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlDiv
Constructs an instance of the HtmlDiv object with the parent objParent.
HtmlElement - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement.
This abstract class is represents a html element and is the base class of all the html widgets in this library.
HtmlElement() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Constructs an instance of the HtmlElement object.
HtmlFileInput - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput.
This class represents a html file input field.
HtmlFileInput(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
Constructs an instance of the HtmlHiddenInput object with the control name sName.
HtmlForm - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm.
This class represents a html form.
HtmlForm() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Constructs an instance of a HtmlForm.
HtmlHiddenInput - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlHiddenInput.
This class represents a html hidden input field.
HtmlHiddenInput(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlHiddenInput
Constructs an instance of the HtmlHiddenInput object with the control name sName.
HtmlInput - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput.
This abstract class is the base class for all control widgets that use the "input" tag.
HtmlInput(HtmlContainerWidget, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Constructs an instance of the HtmlInput object.
HtmlListBox - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox.
This class represents combobox or list box.
HtmlListBox(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Constructs an instance of the HtmlListBox with the parent objParent and control name sName.
HtmlOptionItem - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem.
This class holds the data for an option item element in a select box.
HtmlOptionItem(HtmlListBox) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Constructs an instance of HtmlOptionItem.
HtmlParagraph - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlParagraph.
This class represents a html paragraph.
HtmlParagraph(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlParagraph
Constructs an instance of HtmlParagraph.
HtmlParser - class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser.
This class parses a html file (xml compliant) and creates a HtmlForm object that represents the form in the html file.
HtmlParser() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
HtmlPushButton - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton.
This class represents a html push button.
HtmlPushButton(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Constructs an instance of HtmlPushButton.The default of button-type is "button".
HtmlRadioButton - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton.
This class represents a html radio button.
HtmlRadioButton(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Constructs an instance of HtmlRadioButton belonging to the radio button group sGroupName.
HtmlRadioButtonGroup - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup.
This class holds all the radio buttons of a radio button group.
HtmlRadioButtonGroup(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Constructs a HtmlRadioButtonGroup with the specified group name sGroupName.
HtmlSpan - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlSpan.
This class represents a html span element.
HtmlSpan(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlSpan
The constructs an instance of HtmlSpan with parent objParent.
htmlSpecialChars(String) - Static method in class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils
This method converts special html characters into their html entity forms.
HtmlTable - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable.
This class represents a html table.
HtmlTable(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Constructs an instance of HtmlTable with 1 row and 1 column.
HtmlTable(HtmlContainerWidget, int, int) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Constructs an instance of HtmlTable with nRows rows and nColumns columns.
HtmlTableCaption - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption.
This class represents the caption of a html table.
HtmlTableCaption(HtmlTable) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Constructs an instance of HtmlTableCaption.
HtmlTableCell - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell.
This class represents a html table cell (default) or html table header.
HtmlTableCell(HtmlTableRow) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Constructs an instance of HtmlTableCell.
HtmlTableRow - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow.
This class represents a html table row.
HtmlTableRow(HtmlTable, int) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Constructs an instance of HtmlTableRow with the nColumns columns.
HtmlTag - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTag.
This class represents a generic html tag element.
HtmlTag(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTag
Constructs an instance of the HtmlTag object with the parent objParent.
HtmlText - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText.
This class provides the developer with a generic way of inserting plain text or html text into the form.
HtmlText(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
The constructs an instance of HtmlText with parent objParent.
HtmlTextArea - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea.
This class represents a html text area.
HtmlTextArea(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Constructs a new instance of HtmlTextArea with the specified parent and control name.
HtmlTextBox - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox.
This class represents a html text box.
HtmlTextBox(HtmlContainerWidget, String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Constructs a new instance of HtmlTextBox with the specified parent and control name.
HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget.
The base class of all container that don't require the restrictions of the HtmlContainerWidget class.
HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Constructs an instance of the HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget object with no parent.
HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Constructs an instance of HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget object with objParent as its parent.
HtmlUtils - class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils.
This class provides html utility functions.
HtmlUtils() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils
HtmlWidget - class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget.
This abstract class is the base class of all the html widget classes.
HtmlWidget() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Creates an instance of the HtmlWidget object with no parent.
HtmlWidget(HtmlContainerWidget) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Creates an instance of the HtmlWidget object with the specified parent.
HtmlWidgetException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetException.
This is the base exception of all html widget exceptions.
HtmlWidgetException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetException
HtmlWidgetException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetException
HtmlWidgetRuntimeException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetRuntimeException.
This is the base exception of all html widget runtime exceptions.
HtmlWidgetRuntimeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetRuntimeException
HtmlWidgetRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.HtmlWidgetRuntimeException


identifyMethod(Class, String) - Static method in class objectivehtml.utils.HtmlUtils
This identifies the method of a specified class given the method signature.
indexOfChildWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
This will find the index of a child widget.
init() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Initialize this servlet with the directives from the ohtml configuration files.
initObjectiveHtml() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Does the remaining initialization operations needed for OHtml.
initObjectiveHtmlParams() - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Initializes the ohtml startup parameters.
insertChild(HtmlWidget, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Inserts a child widget into this container.
insertChild(HtmlWidget, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Overrides the access level to make this method public.
insertChild(HtmlWidget, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Overrides the access level to make this method public.
insertHtmlWidget(HtmlWidget, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Inserts a child widget into the internal list of this container.
InvalidAttributeException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidAttributeException.
This is exception should be thrown when an attribute is attempted to changed when it can't be.
InvalidAttributeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidAttributeException
InvalidAttributeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidAttributeException
InvalidButtonTypeException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidButtonTypeException.
This is exception should be thrown when an invalid button type is specified.
InvalidButtonTypeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidButtonTypeException
InvalidButtonTypeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidButtonTypeException
InvalidChildWidgetException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidChildWidgetException.
This is exception should be thrown when a HtmlWidget has an invalid child Widget.
InvalidChildWidgetException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidChildWidgetException
InvalidChildWidgetException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidChildWidgetException
InvalidCompilerOptionException - exception objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.InvalidCompilerOptionException.
This exception is thrown when an invalid compiler option is given.
InvalidCompilerOptionException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.InvalidCompilerOptionException
InvalidCompilerOptionException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.InvalidCompilerOptionException
InvalidControlNameException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidControlNameException.
This is exception should be thrown when a HtmlControlWidget has an invalid control name.
InvalidControlNameException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidControlNameException
InvalidControlNameException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidControlNameException
InvalidParameterListException - exception objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidParameterListException.
This is exception should be thrown when the parameter list is incorrect.
InvalidParameterListException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidParameterListException
InvalidParameterListException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidParameterListException
InvalidParentElementException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentElementException.
This is exception should be thrown when a HtmlElement has an invalid parent HtmlElement.
InvalidParentElementException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentElementException
InvalidParentElementException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentElementException
InvalidParentWidgetException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentWidgetException.
This is exception should be thrown when a HtmlWidget has an invalid parent Widget.
InvalidParentWidgetException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentWidgetException
InvalidParentWidgetException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidParentWidgetException
InvalidQuoteTypeException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidQuoteTypeException.
This is exception should be thrown when an invalid quote type is specified.
InvalidQuoteTypeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidQuoteTypeException
InvalidQuoteTypeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.InvalidQuoteTypeException
InvalidSignalException - exception objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSignalException.
This is exception should be thrown when a signal cannot be found.
InvalidSignalException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSignalException
InvalidSignalException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSignalException
InvalidSlotException - exception objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSlotException.
This is exception should be thrown when a slot cannot be found.
InvalidSlotException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSlotException
InvalidSlotException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.InvalidSlotException
InvokeMethod - class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod.
This class holds a list of directives for a invoke-method configuration.
InvokeMethod() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
InvokeMethods - class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethods.
This class holds a list of invoke-method directives.
InvokeMethods() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethods
isAlive() - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Returns whether the object is alive or not.
isAutoEscape() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Returns whether the auto-escape feature is on or not.
isAutoEscape() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns whether the auto-escape feature is on or not.
isAutoEscape() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Returns whether the auto-escape feature is on or not.
isAutoEscape() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Returns whether the auto-escape feature is on or not.
isAutoEscape() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Returns whether the auto-escape feature is on or not.
isAutoUpdate() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns whether the auto-update feature is on or not.
isButtonTypeValid(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Checks the type attribute of this object.
isChecked() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
Returns true if the object is checked, false otherwise.
isChecked() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Returns true if the radio button is checked, false otherwise
isChildWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Indicates whether the specified HtmlWidget object is a child of this widget
isColumnVisible(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns if a table column is visible or hidden.
isDestroyed() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Indicates whether this widget has been destroyed and should no longer be accessed.
isDisabled() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Returns whether this object is disabled or enabled.
isMultiple() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Returns whether the list box allows multiple selections.
isNoWrap() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns true if no-wrap is on, false otherwise.
isPassword() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Returns whether the text box is in password mode.
isReadOnly() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Returns true if the text box is in read-only mode, false otherwise
isReadOnly() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Returns true if the text area is in read-only mode, false otherwise
isRowVisible(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Returns if a table row is visible or hidden.
isSelected() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Returns whether the option item is selected/unselected.
isSelected(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Indicates if an option item has been selected.
isSynchronized() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Returns whether the radio buttons should be sychronized.
isTableHeader() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Returns whether this is a table header object.
isTextCompressed() - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Gets the text compression setting, true for on, false otherwise
isValidChildWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Indicates whether the specified child widget is allowed in this container.
isValidChildWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Overrides the default version, so that only HtmlTableRow objects can be added to this object.
isValidChildWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Overrides the default version, so that only HtmlTableCell objects can be added to this object.
isVisible() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Returns the visibility of this object.


m_alChildrenWidgets - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Internal list of children objects
m_bAutoEscape - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Indicates whether auto-escape is enabled or not
m_bAutoEscape - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Indicates whether auto-escape is enabled or not
m_bAutoUpdate - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Indicates whether auto-update is enabled or not
m_bDestroyed - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Indicates whether the widget has been destroyed
m_bVisible - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Indicates the visibility of the widget
m_hmAttributes - Variable in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Stores the attributes associated with this result
m_hmAttributes - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
The internal hash-map of (attribute, value) pairs for this element
m_objActionMap - Variable in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
The map of ohtml-action directives
m_objFormConfigMap - Variable in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
The map of ohtml-form directives
m_objFormFile - Variable in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
The reference to the struts FormFile object
m_objHtmlForm - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
A reference to the form the widget is contained in
m_objParentWidget - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
A reference to the parent widget
m_objUploadedFile - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
Holds a reference to the file associated with object
m_sEndTag - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
The end tag of this element
m_sOHtmlConfigFile - Variable in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
The file with the ohtml directives
m_sQuoteType - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
The quote type for this element
m_sResult - Variable in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Stores the result of the event
m_sResult - Variable in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
The request name where the result object is held
m_sStartTag - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
The start tag of this element
m_sText - Variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
The text for this container in text-mode
main(String[]) - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
MANDATORY_ARGS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Indicates the number of mandatory command line arguments
MethodParam - class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam.
This class the details for the method parameter.
MethodParam() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
MethodParams - class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams.
This class holds a list of method parameters.
MethodParams() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParams


newFormInstance(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Creates a new HtmlForm object based on the ohtml-form directives specified in the configuration file.
NODE_IGNORED - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Message constant that indicates a Node was ignored in the parsing
NotEqualsHtmlFormException - exception objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.NotEqualsHtmlFormException.
This is exception should be thrown when an operation on 2 HtmlWidget require them to be contained within the same HtmlForm.
NotEqualsHtmlFormException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.NotEqualsHtmlFormException
NotEqualsHtmlFormException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.NotEqualsHtmlFormException


objectivehtml.common - package objectivehtml.common
This package contains all the common classes that are used by all the other packages.
objectivehtml.exception - package objectivehtml.exception
This package contains the common exceptions used in all the packages of the toolkit.
objectivehtml.htmlwidget - package objectivehtml.htmlwidget
This package contains all the HtmlWidget classes of the toolkit.
objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception - package objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception
This package contains all the exceptions that can be thrown from HtmlWidget objects.
objectivehtml.ohtmlc - package objectivehtml.ohtmlc
This package contains the classes used in the Objective Html Compiler (ohtmlc).
objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception - package objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception
This package contains all the exceptions thrown by the classes in ohtmlc.
objectivehtml.oms - package objectivehtml.oms
This package contains the classes used in the Objective Html Messaging System (OMS).
objectivehtml.oms.exception - package objectivehtml.oms.exception
This package contains all the exceptions thrown by the classes in OMS.
objectivehtml.struts - package objectivehtml.struts
This package contains all the classes that are part of the Objective Html - Struts bridge.
objectivehtml.utils - package objectivehtml.utils
This package contains html utility classes and methods.
ObjectiveHtmlAction - class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlAction.
ObjectiveHtmlAction() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlAction
ObjectiveHtmlCompiler - class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler.
This is the main class for the Objective Html Comp;iler (ohtmlc) compiler tool.
ObjectiveHtmlCompiler() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
ObjectiveHtmlException - exception objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlException.
This is the base exception.
ObjectiveHtmlException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlException
ObjectiveHtmlException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlException
ObjectiveHtmlForm - class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlForm.
This class does nothing and is simply used for OHtml-Struts integration.
ObjectiveHtmlForm() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlForm
ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException - exception objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException.
This is the base runtime exception.
ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException
ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.exception.ObjectiveHtmlRuntimeException
ObjectiveHtmlServlet - class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet.
This class is the "Controller" for the OHtml-Struts framework.
ObjectiveHtmlServlet() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
OHtmlCException - exception objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCException.
This is the base exception of all ohtmlc exceptions.
OHtmlCException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCException
OHtmlCException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCException
OHtmlCParseException - exception objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCParseException.
This exception is thrown when a html parse exception occurs.
OHtmlCParseException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCParseException
OHtmlCParseException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.exception.OHtmlCParseException
OMSException - exception objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSException.
This is the base exception of all OMS exceptions.
OMSException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSException
OMSException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSException
OMSObject - class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject.
This abstract class is the base class of all objects that are capable of participating in the Objective Html Messaging System (OMS).
OMSObject() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Constructs an instance of OMSObject.
OMSRuntimeException - exception objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSRuntimeException.
This is the base exception of all OMS runtime exceptions.
OMSRuntimeException() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSRuntimeException
OMSRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.exception.OMSRuntimeException
OPT_ABSTRACT - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The abstract option which indicates whether the generated class should be abstract
OPT_ACCESSLEVEL - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The accesslevel option which indicates the accesslevel for all the member variables
OPT_CHARSET - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The charset option which indicates the charset type to use when writing out to a file
OPT_ENTITIES - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The entities option which indicates the entity numbers that should be entitized
OPT_EXCEPTIONS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The exceptions option which indicates what exceptions should be thrown by the constructor
OPT_EXTENDS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The extends option which indicates the class that this form should extend
OPT_FORM - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The form option which indicates the form that is to be compiled (via ID attribute)
OPT_IMPORTS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The import option which indicates the packages or classes that this form should import
OPT_NOCOMPRESS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The nocompress option which indicates that text compression should not be used
OPT_OUTPUT - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The output option which indicates the output file name
OPT_PACKAGE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The package option which indicates what package the generated class should be in
OPT_SIGNALS - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The signals option which indicates what signals should be emitted by this form
OPT_UNICODES - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
The unicodes option which indicates the unicodes numbers that should be converted into unicode
optionSelected(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
This signal is emitted when an option is selected.
optionSelected(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
This signal is emitted when an option is selected.
OPTYPE_ONE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
This option type indicates an option with a one addtional argument (only one)
OPTYPE_ONE_MANY - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
This option type indicates an option with a list (atleast one or more)
OPTYPE_ZERO - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
This option type indicates an option with no additional arguments
OPTYPE_ZERO_ONE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
This option type indicates an option with a one addtional argument or none
OutputType - class objectivehtml.common.OutputType.
This class contains a list of constants that are used by the toolkit to represent all the different versions of html that are supported.
OutputType() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.common.OutputType


ParameterList - class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList.
This object represents a parameter list.
ParameterList() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.ParameterList
Constructs an instance of ParameterList.
PARENT_NODE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Message constant that indicates the details of the parent Node are to be printed
parseHtml(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Parses the form in the specified html file and creates a HtmlForm object that represents the form in the html file.
parseNumbers(Collection) - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.CompilerOption
Parses a list of String numbers into a Set of Integer objects.
perform(ActionMapping, ActionForm, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlAction
POST - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
This constant represents the "post" submisison method.
printHtml(JspWriter) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
This overloaded version is simply a wrapper for the other version of this method.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
This virtual method must be implemented by all children classes.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlSpan
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTag
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int, Collection) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(JspWriter, int, String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
This overloaded version is simply a wrapper for the other version of this method.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
This virtual method must be implemented by all children classes.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlSpan
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTag
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int, Collection) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printHtml(PrintWriter, int, String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Prints the html that represents this object to the output stream.
printUsageInfo() - Static method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
processObjectiveHtmlAction(Action, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
This method processed an Objective Html Action.
processPath(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Overrides the parent version of method to make it public.


removeControlName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Removes a control name from the form.
removeHtmlWidget(HtmlWidget) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Removes a child widget from the internal list of this container.
removeOption(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Removes an option from the list box at the specified index nIndex.
removeRadioButton(HtmlRadioButton) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Removes a HtmlRadioButton object from the form.
removeRadioButton(HtmlRadioButton) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Removes a new HtmlRadioButton to the group.
REQUEST_OBJ_TYPE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
The request object type
REQUEST_PARAM_TYPE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
The request param type
RESET - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
This constant represents the "reset" button-type


selectionChanged(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
This signal is emitted when the "checked" attribute of this object is changed.
selectionChanged(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
This signal is emitted when the "checked" attribute of this object is changed.
selectionUpdated(int[], int[]) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
This signal is emitted when the updateData(HttpServletRequest) method is called on this object and selections have changed.
selectionUpdated(String[], String[]) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
This signal is emitted when the updateData(HttpServletRequest) method is called on this object and selections have changed.
SESSION_PARAM_TYPE - Static variable in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
The session param type
setAction(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Sets the action of this form.
setActionMap(ActionMap) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Sets the map of ohtml-action directives.
setAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the alignment style of this object.
setAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlParagraph
Sets the alignment for this paragraph.
setAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the alignment style of this object.
setAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlDiv
Sets the alignment style of this object.
setAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Sets the alignment style of this object.
setAlive(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Sets the object to be alive or dead.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Sets the an attribute for this result.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Sets a html attribute for this object.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets a html attribute for this object.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets an attribute of this object.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Sets a html attribute for this object.
setAttribute(String, String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Sets an attribute of this object and also the same attribute for all of its children.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoEscape(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Sets the auto-escape feature to be either on (default) or off.
setAutoUpdate(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the auto-update feature to be either on (default) or off.
setBgColor(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the background color of this object.
setBgColor(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the background color of this object.
setBgColor(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Sets the background color of this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Sets a html boolean-attribute for this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets a html boolean-attribute for this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets a boolean-attribute of this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Sets a html boolean-attribute for this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
Sets a boolean-attribute of this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Sets a html boolean-attribute for this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Sets a boolean-attribute of this object.
setBooleanAttribute(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Sets a boolean-attribute of this object and also the same attribute for all of its children.
setBorder(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the border of this table.
setButtonType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Sets the button-type for this push button.
setCaptionText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCaption
Sets the caption text.
setCaptionText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the text for the caption of the table.
setCellPadding(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the cell padding of this table.
setCellSpacing(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the cell spacing of this table.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
Sets the object to be checked (if true) or unchecked (if false).
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Sets the radio button to be checked/unchecked.
setClassAttribute(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the style-sheet class of this object.
setClickedProxy(HtmlHiddenInput, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Sets the clicked proxy object for this HtmlPushButton.
setCols(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Sets the number of columns for the text area.
setColSpan(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the col span of this table cell.
setColumns(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the number of table columns.
setColumnVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets a column to be either hidden or visible.
setCondition(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Sets the condition that the form is to be created.
setConnections(Connections) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Sets the connections for this form configuration.
setConnections(Connections) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Sets the connections for this create-form process.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Set the content type for this file
setContentType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Set the content type for this file
setCreateForms(CreateForms) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Sets the list of create-form directives.
setDefaultForward(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Sets the default-forward for this action.
setDisabled(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the HtmlControlWidget object to be either disabled or enabled.
setEntities(Set) - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Sets the set of characters that need to be entitized.
setErrorHandler(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the ErrorHandler.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Sets the error handler for this slot.
setFileName(String) - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Set the filename of this file
setFileName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Set the filename of this file
setFileSize(int) - Method in interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile
Set the file size
setFileSize(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Set the file size
setFormConfigMap(FormConfigMap) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Sets the map of ohtml-form directives.
setFormFile(FormFile) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
Set a reference to the struts FormFile object.
setHeight(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the height of this object.
setID(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the ID of this object.
setInvokeMethods(InvokeMethods) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Sets the list of invoke-method directives.
setMaxLength(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Sets the maximum length of the text box.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Sets the Method object for this slot id.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Sets the Method object for this signal id.
setMethod(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Sets the submit method of this form.
setMethodParams(MethodParams) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Sets the MethodParams object.
setMethodSignature(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Sets the MethodSignature of the method to be called.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Sets the list box to either accept multiple selections or a single selection.
setName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Sets the name of this form.
setName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Sets the name for this form configuration.
setName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Sets the name of the form we are to create.
setName(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder
Sets the name of the form field.
setNoWrap(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the table cell to either wrap or to not wrap text.
setOnBlur(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the onblur event of this object.
setOnChange(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the onchange event of this object.
setOnClick(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onclick event of this object.
setOnDblClick(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the ondblclick event of this object.
setOnFocus(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the onfocus event of this object.
setOnKeyDown(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onkeydown event of this object.
setOnKeyPress(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onkeypress event of this object.
setOnKeyUp(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onkeyup event of this object.
setOnMouseDown(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onmousedown event of this object.
setOnMouseMove(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onmousemove event of this object.
setOnMouseOut(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onmouseout event of this object.
setOnMouseOver(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onmouseover event of this object.
setOnMouseUp(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the onmouseup event of this object.
setOnSelect(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the onselect event of this object.
setOptionText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Sets the option text of this option item.
setOrder(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder
Sets the update-order form field.
setPassword(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Sets the text box to be in password-mode or text-mode.
setPath(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Sets the URL path for this action.
setQuoteType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Sets the quote type.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Sets the text box to be either read-only or read-write mode.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Sets the text area to be either read-only or read-write mode.
setResult(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.common.EventResult
Sets the result.
setResult(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.ObjectiveHtmlServlet
Sets the name of the request object where the result data is to be stored.
setRows(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the number of table rows.
setRows(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Sets the number of rows for the text area.
setRowSpan(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the row span of this table cell.
setRowVisible(int, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets a table row to be either hidden or visible.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Sets the option item to selected/unselected.
setSelected(int, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Sets the specified option item to be checked or unchecked.
setSelected(String, boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Sets the first option item with the value sOptionValue to be checked or unchecked.
setSessionRef(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.InvokeMethod
Sets the session name that the object to be invoked is bound with.
setSessionRef(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.CreateForm
Sets the session name that this created form is to be bound with.
setSignal(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the Signal method signature.
setSignaller(OMSObject) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Sets the signal object for this signal id.
setSignalObj(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the Signal object name.
setSignalSessionRef(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the Signal session reference name.
setSize(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Sets the size for this list box.
setSize(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Sets the size of the text box.
setSlot(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the slot method signature.
setSlotObj(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the slot object name.
setSlotSessionRef(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Connection
Sets the slot session reference name.
setSlotter(OMSObject) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Sets the slot object for this slot id.
setStyle(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the style of this object.
setSynchronized(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButtonGroup
Sets whether the radio buttons should be sychronized.
setTabIndex(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the tab index of this widget.
setTableHeader(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the object to be either table cell or table header.
setText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Sets the text of this container.
setText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Alias for setValue(String).
setText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Sets the text for this object.
setText(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Sets the text of this object.
setTextCompressed(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.HtmlParser
Sets the text compression to be either on or off.
setType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Sets the type of this object.
setType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
Sets the type of the parameter.
setType(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Sets the type for this form configuration.
setUnicodes(Set) - Method in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
Sets the set of unicode characters that need to be escaped.
setUpdateForm(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.Action
Sets the session name of the form to be updated (i.e.
setUpdateOrder(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Sets the update order of this control widget.
setUpdateOrders(UpdateOrders) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.FormConfig
Sets the update-order for this form configuration.
setUploadedFile(UploadedFile) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
Sets the file associated with this object.
setVAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the vertical alignment style of this object.
setVAlign(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableRow
Sets the vertical alignment style of this object.
setValue(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
Sets the value for this input object.
setValue(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlOptionItem
Sets the value for this option item.
setValue(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.struts.MethodParam
Sets the value of the parameter.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlWidget
Sets the visibility of this object.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Sets the visibility of this object and all its children.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Overrides the default protected method to be public.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget
Sets the visibility of this object.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlText
Sets the visibility of this object.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the visibility of this object.
setWidth(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTableCell
Sets the width of this object.
setWidth(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Sets the width of this object.
Signal - class objectivehtml.oms.Signal.
This object represents a signal in OMS.
Signal(SignalId, ParameterList) - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.Signal
Constructs an instance of Signal.
signal(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Returns the signal for the given signal signature.
SignalId - class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId.
This object uniquely identifies a signal method of a OMSObject.
SignalId() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.SignalId
Constructs an instance of Signal.
slot(String) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Returns the slot for the given slot signature.
slot(String, ErrorHandler) - Method in class objectivehtml.oms.OMSObject
Returns the slot for the given slot signature.
SlotId - class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId.
This object uniquely identifies a slot method of a OMSObject.
SlotId() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.oms.SlotId
Constructs an instance of Signal.
StrutsUploadedFile - class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile.
This defines an uploaded file for the ohtml-struts framework.
StrutsUploadedFile() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.StrutsUploadedFile
SUBMIT - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
This constant represents the "submit" button-type
swapHtmlWidgets(int, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlContainerWidget
Swaps the position of 2 children widgets.
swapHtmlWidgets(int, int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Swaps the position of the 2 table rows.


TAB_CLASS_DECL - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for class declaration
TAB_CONSTRUCTOR_DECL - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for constructor declaration
TAB_CONSTRUCTOR_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for constructor properties
TAB_HTMLWIDGET_INST - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for htmlwidget instantiation
TAB_HTMLWIDGET_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for htmlwidget properties
TAB_MEMBER_DECL - Static variable in class objectivehtml.ohtmlc.ObjectiveHtmlCompiler
The tabbing for member declarations
textChanged(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
This signal is emitted when the text of the text area is changed.
toString() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Writes a string representing this element in html format.
toString(int) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlElement
Writes a string representing this element.


updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlControlWidget
Updates the internal state of this control widget with the client submitted data.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlHiddenInput
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlForm
Updates all HtmlControlWidget objects with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlCheckBox
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlListBox
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextBox
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlRadioButton
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlPushButton
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
updateData(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTextArea
Updates this object with the data submitted from the client.
UpdateOrder - class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder.
This class the details for the update-order for a form field.
UpdateOrder() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrder
UpdateOrders - class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrders.
This class holds the update order of the fields of a form.
UpdateOrders() - Constructor for class objectivehtml.struts.UpdateOrders
updateVisibility() - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlTable
Updates the visible flag of all the widgets in the table.
UPLOADED_FILES - Static variable in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlFileInput
The attribute name that the UploadedFile objects are associated with
UploadedFile - interface objectivehtml.common.UploadedFile.
This interface defines an uploaded file.


valueChanged(String, String) - Method in class objectivehtml.htmlwidget.HtmlInput
This signal is emitted when the "value" attribute of this object is changed.


XHTML - Static variable in class objectivehtml.common.OutputType
This constant represents XHtml.