Package objectivehtml.struts

This package contains all the classes that are part of the Objective Html - Struts bridge.


Class Summary
Action This class holds the action directives for an action event.
ActionMap This class holds a map of all the action directives objects.
Connection This class holds the connection directives for a slot and signal connection.
Connections This class holds a list of connection directives.
CreateForm This class holds a list of directives for a create-form configuration.
CreateForms This class holds a list of create-form directives.
FormConfig This class holds a list of directives for a form configuration.
FormConfigMap This class holds a map of form configuration objects.
InvokeMethod This class holds a list of directives for a invoke-method configuration.
InvokeMethods This class holds a list of invoke-method directives.
MethodParam This class the details for the method parameter.
MethodParams This class holds a list of method parameters.
ObjectiveHtmlForm This class does nothing and is simply used for OHtml-Struts integration.
ObjectiveHtmlServlet This class is the "Controller" for the OHtml-Struts framework.
StrutsUploadedFile This defines an uploaded file for the ohtml-struts framework.
UpdateOrder This class the details for the update-order for a form field.
UpdateOrders This class holds the update order of the fields of a form.

Package objectivehtml.struts Description

This package contains all the classes that are part of the Objective Html - Struts bridge.