Package objectivehtml.htmlwidget

This package contains all the HtmlWidget classes of the toolkit.


Class Summary
HtmlCheckBox This class represents a html check box.
HtmlContainerWidget This is the base class of all container widgets.
HtmlControlWidget This is the base class of all control widgets.
HtmlDiv This class represents a html div element.
HtmlElement This abstract class is represents a html element and is the base class of all the html widgets in this library.
HtmlFileInput This class represents a html file input field.
HtmlForm This class represents a html form.
HtmlHiddenInput This class represents a html hidden input field.
HtmlInput This abstract class is the base class for all control widgets that use the "input" tag.
HtmlListBox This class represents combobox or list box.
HtmlOptionItem This class holds the data for an option item element in a select box.
HtmlParagraph This class represents a html paragraph.
HtmlPushButton This class represents a html push button.
HtmlRadioButton This class represents a html radio button.
HtmlRadioButtonGroup This class holds all the radio buttons of a radio button group.
HtmlSpan This class represents a html span element.
HtmlTable This class represents a html table.
HtmlTableCaption This class represents the caption of a html table.
HtmlTableCell This class represents a html table cell (default) or html table header.
HtmlTableRow This class represents a html table row.
HtmlTag This class represents a generic html tag element.
HtmlText This class provides the developer with a generic way of inserting plain text or html text into the form.
HtmlTextArea This class represents a html text area.
HtmlTextBox This class represents a html text box.
HtmlUnrestrictedContainerWidget The base class of all container that don't require the restrictions of the HtmlContainerWidget class.
HtmlWidget This abstract class is the base class of all the html widget classes.

Package objectivehtml.htmlwidget Description

This package contains all the HtmlWidget classes of the toolkit. A html widget represents a visual or interactive component of a html form.