/** * Copyright (c) 2001, Keith Wong * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software * and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software * is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING * BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package mypackage.form; import objectivehtml.htmlwidget.*; import objectivehtml.htmlwidget.exception.*; /** * CustomerForm * This is an example of how to use the objective html toolkit. Please read all the comments * in the code as they give handy tips in how to be use this toolkit. * The example was written by Keith Wong, email: keithwong@optushome.com.au */ public class CustomerForm extends HtmlForm { /** * These members variables are made public. We leave it up to each developer to decide which * access level they wish to have these at. The reason I have made them all public is that * this provides much greater flexibility, which is generally what you need in building * web pages. By making them public, you give yourself the opportunity to change the * attributes of any of the HtmlWidgets from the jsp page (i.e. jsp pages are easier to redeploy). */ public HtmlParagraph m_parUserMessage; public HtmlTable m_tblLayout; public HtmlText m_htmUserMessage; public HtmlText m_htmMale; public HtmlText m_htmFemale; public HtmlTextBox m_txtFirstName; public HtmlTextBox m_txtLastName; public HtmlTextBox m_txtBirthDate; public HtmlRadioButton m_radMale; public HtmlRadioButton m_radFemale; public HtmlListBox m_selTitle; public HtmlPushButton m_btnSave; public HtmlPushButton m_btnReset; public HtmlTextArea m_txaStreet; public HtmlTextBox m_txtSuburb; public HtmlTextBox m_txtPostCode; public HtmlListBox m_selState; public HtmlTextBox m_txtTelephone; public HtmlTextBox m_txtEmail; public HtmlCheckBox m_cbxPostalAddress; /** * Constructor */ public CustomerForm() throws Exception { super(); setMethod("post"); // lets set the action to be saving of the form setAction("customersave.do"); // all html widgets have a parent except the HtmlForm // in this case the parent of the html paragraph is the form itself m_parUserMessage = new HtmlParagraph(this); // we want to initially hide the paragraph m_parUserMessage.setVisible(false); // this html text widget is a child of the html paragraph widget // n.b. the widget will inherit visibility properties of its parent // i.e. this widget will also be invisible m_htmUserMessage = new HtmlText(m_parUserMessage); // this will create a new html table with the form itself as the parent // the initial size of table is give in the constructor (rows, columns) m_tblLayout = new HtmlTable(this, 13, 2); m_tblLayout.setBorder("0"); m_tblLayout.setBgColor("#FCFADA"); m_tblLayout.setClassAttribute("normal"); // table cell 0,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(0, 0).setText("Title *"); // table cell 0,1 m_selTitle = new HtmlListBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(0, 1), "m_selTitle"); // add options to a select box by calling addOption, the first parameter // is the value and the second parameter will be the text displayed m_selTitle.addOption("", "- Choose Title -"); // default option m_selTitle.addOption("01", "Mr"); m_selTitle.addOption("02", "Miss"); m_selTitle.addOption("03", "Ms"); m_selTitle.addOption("04", "Mrs"); m_selTitle.setSelected(0, true); // initial selection // table cell 1,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(1, 0).setText("First Name *"); // table cell 1,1 // The second parameter passed to this HtmlControlWidget is the name this input // field will have when the html is generated. This name can be used by the // client scripting language. m_txtFirstName = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(1, 1), "m_txtFirstName"); // you can set html attributes by calling the generic method setAttribute // the name of the attribute is case-insensitive (all attribute values are // set as strings regardless of whether html interprets them as other types) m_txtFirstName.setAttribute("size", "20"); // n.b. the value "20" as a string // table cell 2,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(2, 0).setText("Last Name *"); // table cell 2,1 m_txtLastName = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(2, 1), "m_txtLastName"); // The alternate way to set a html attribute is to call the explicit method for // the attribute. This has the same result as setting the attribute by calling // setAttribute. The only difference is programmically. m_txtLastName.setSize("20"); // table cell 3,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(3, 0).setText("Birth Date"); // table cell 3,1 m_txtBirthDate = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(3, 1), "m_txtBirthDate"); // table cell 4,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(4, 0).setText("Gender"); // table cell 4,1 // lets setup a radio button group m_htmMale = new HtmlText(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(4, 1)); m_htmMale.setText("M"); m_radMale = new HtmlRadioButton(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(4, 1), "m_radGender"); m_radMale.setValue("M"); // to set a boolean attribute call the setBooleanAttribute and specify whether // the attribute is on or off m_radMale.setBooleanAttribute("checked", true); // lets check male as the default! m_htmFemale = new HtmlText(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(4, 1)); m_htmFemale.setText("F"); // The male and female radio buttons have the same name, this is important as // this is how radio buttons are grouped together. Radio buttons are the only // control widgets that may have the same name. m_radFemale = new HtmlRadioButton(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(4, 1), "m_radGender"); m_radFemale.setValue("F"); // table cell 5,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(5, 0).setText("Street"); // table cell 5,1 m_txaStreet = new HtmlTextArea(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(5, 1), "m_txaStreet"); m_txaStreet.setCols("40"); m_txaStreet.setRows("3"); // table cell 6,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(6, 0).setText("Suburb"); // table cell 6,1 m_txtSuburb = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(6, 1), "m_txtSuburb"); // table cell 7,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(7, 0).setText("PostCode"); // table cell 7,1 m_txtPostCode = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(7, 1), "m_txtPostCode"); // table cell 8,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(8, 0).setText("State"); // table cell 8,1 // these are Australian states, thats where I'm from! m_selState = new HtmlListBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(8, 1), "m_selState"); m_selState.addOption("", "- Choose State -"); // default option m_selState.addOption("01", "NSW"); m_selState.addOption("02", "VIC"); m_selState.addOption("03", "QLD"); m_selState.addOption("04", "SA"); m_selState.addOption("05", "WA"); m_selState.addOption("06", "ACT"); m_selState.addOption("07", "NT"); m_selState.setSelected(0, true); // initial selection // table cell 9,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(9, 0).setText("Same as postal address?"); // table cell 9,1 m_cbxPostalAddress = new HtmlCheckBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(9, 1), "m_cbxPostalAddress"); m_cbxPostalAddress.setValue("Y"); // table cell 10,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(10, 0).setText("Telephone"); // table cell 10,1 m_txtTelephone = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(10, 1), "m_txtTelephone"); // table cell 11,0 m_tblLayout.getTableCell(11, 0).setText("Email *"); // table cell 11,1 m_txtEmail = new HtmlTextBox(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(11, 1), "m_txtEmail"); m_txtEmail.setSize("50"); // you can access the table row widget via the table // lets set the color of the last row m_tblLayout.getTableRow(12).setBgColor("#D7FFFF"); // lets set the col span for this table cell m_tblLayout.getTableCell(12, 0).setColSpan(2); m_tblLayout.getTableCell(12, 0).setAlign("center"); // table cell 12,0 // lets add a submit button m_btnSave = new HtmlPushButton(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(12, 0), "m_btnSave"); m_btnSave.setText("Save"); m_btnSave.setButtonType("submit"); // lets add a submit button m_btnReset = new HtmlPushButton(m_tblLayout.getTableCell(12, 0), "m_btnReset"); m_btnReset.setText("Reset"); m_btnReset.setButtonType("reset"); } // end constructor /** * This method validates the form details first. * @return true if the form data is ok, false otherwise */ private boolean validateForm() { boolean bValid = true; // if title is blank if (m_selTitle.isSelected(0) == true) { bValid = false; // sets the class attribute of the table cell with "Title *" text m_tblLayout.getTableCell(0, 0).setClassAttribute("error"); } // end if title is blank // if first name is blank if (m_txtFirstName.getText().trim().length() == 0) { bValid = false; m_tblLayout.getTableCell(1, 0).setClassAttribute("error"); } // end if first name is blank // if last name is blank if (m_txtLastName.getText().trim().length() == 0) { bValid = false; m_tblLayout.getTableCell(2, 0).setClassAttribute("error"); } // end if last name is blank // if email is blank if (m_txtEmail.getText().trim().length() == 0) { bValid = false; m_tblLayout.getTableCell(11, 0).setClassAttribute("error"); } // end if email is blank // if invalid then lets set a user message if (bValid == false) { m_htmUserMessage.setText("Please fill in the mandatory fields highlighted below."); m_parUserMessage.setVisible(true); m_parUserMessage.setClassAttribute("error"); } // end if not valid return bValid; } // end validateForm /** * This method should be called when the save action is triggered. * @return true if saved ok, false if validation failed */ public boolean saveForm() throws InvalidAttributeException { // lets clear out all class styles set for errors // you can do this by calling the overloaded version of setAttribute() // provided by all container widgets // n.b giving the setAttribute a null value will clear out the attribute, // so that the attribute is not shown at all when printHtml is called m_tblLayout.setAttribute("class", null, true); // apply to all children // lets set the attribute back to the normal m_tblLayout.setAttribute("class", "normal"); // only applies to the table itself if (validateForm()) { // ... // do some database stuff... save to database.. // this part left out... well because this is only an example after all :) m_htmUserMessage.setText("Your customer details have been saved."); m_parUserMessage.setVisible(true); m_parUserMessage.setClassAttribute("info"); return true; } // end if form is valid return false; } // end saveForm } // end class